NOTE: Each Cycle is going to contain 12 wrestlers and 12 wrestlers ONLY. We are going to draft the twelve wrestlers from the list of applications that are posted in this forum. So, make sure your application is as detailed as you'd like it to be. Given the care and attention we are putting into this project and the wrestlers involved with it, the more detailed the characters the more likely they will get drafted.
Wrestler's Name -
Height -
Weight -
Entrance Theme -
Custom Ring Entrance - Keep in mind locations will vary greatly from event to event. It'll be rare that we are inside a standard arena. So, come up with some taunts or mannerisms your wrestler might exude when they are walking to the ring. Think less about the surrounding and more about the interaction.
Gender -
Hometown -
Why are you qualified to unite the TRIAD? (this will go on your profile that will be posted on our website) -