NOTE: Each Cycle is going to contain 12 wrestlers and 12 wrestlers ONLY. We are going to draft the twelve wrestlers from the list of applications that are posted in this forum. So, make sure your application is as detailed as you'd like it to be. Given the care and attention we are putting into this project and the wrestlers involved with it, the more detailed the characters the more likely they will get drafted.
Wrestler's Name - Matthew Knox
Height - 6’6
Weight - 244
Entrance Theme - Hell Broke Luce - Tom Waits
Custom Ring Entrance - i’ll paste this in later.
Gender - Male
Hometown - Monterey, CA
Why are you qualified to unite the TRIAD? (this will go on your profile that will be posted on our website) - I have a better question for you: Why not?
Wrestling Style/Resemblance - Technical/Striker (RVD meets Tazz)
Trademark Maneuver(s) - Little Drop of Poison - Running Big Boot
The Mercy, The Murder: Lungblower followed immediately by a Katahijame
To the Guillotine: Round kick to the gut to double the opponent over, Shin kick to the outside knee to drop them to one and finished with an Axe Kick to the back of their head.
Set up to Finisher - Up to Match Writer
Finisher - “Into the Void” - GTS
Alignment - Tweener leaning face/Anti Hero/Chaotic Good
Twitter Handle - @mravenk1
Character Font Color - Blue
Pic Base (Who does your wrestler look like) - Luke Evan (Longer hair)
URL to Former Fed or Wrestler Website - i was in ocw u jerk